My friend Eric and I finally got together for a great ride on the recent ODT (Olympic Discovery Trail) Adventure Route on Sunday, September 6th. Nice soggy rain all day and all we could think as we began was that this is not so different from our days 20 years ago in the Capitol Forest. We might be older, but we still love singletrack baby. It was so nice to ride with my buddy who was my first friend after moving to WA and we're still having fun!
The trail is really spectacular - we did the 25 mile from the west side of Crescent Lake to the Elwha River. About 8 miles of gravel road, the rest pure trail. Despite the rain, we add a glorious day! If you don't ride in the rain you'd never ride at all...
We'll be back again hopefully before there's too much snow on the trail. More info at:
Nice! I've been contemplating getting out there to ride the trail, both the paved and singletrack sections. Is it rooty or fairly buffed out? I was thinking my 35mm-tired cylco-cross ish bike might make sense, what do you think?
The Adventure Route section is about 25 miles of moderately technical single track and some gravel stretches. Nothing overly challenging. Depending on your skill level a cyclo-cross bike would work, except on the trail sections that are newly built and a bit rough. I rode it with no suspension, so that part is no worry.
Thanks! I'm pretty handy in the woods on my cross bike, but blasting away from my wife on her hardtail would be an unpopular move. Take care.
I've also been contemplating this trail. Can it be ridden year round? i.e., does it ever get snowed in?
I've never ridden this trail in the winter, so not sure about snow. It seems unlikely there would be much. I plan on riding it in a few weeks to see how it is, but with all the storms I expect there's some blowdown to get over.
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